Social Contribution
Leslie Jones & Associates realizes the importance of supporting the community through programs that promote education, inspiration, and well-being. The firm and its staff have donated time, talent, and resources to the following organizations:
Marwen Foundation
The Mies Van der Rohe Society
MRIC - Children's Memorial Foundation
Museum of Contemporary Art
National Geographic Society
National Parks Conservation Association
Shriner Circus Fund
Smart Museum of Art
The Spirit Foundation
Top Box Foods
University of Michigan
University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation
Usher III Initiative
The Wilmette Historical Society
WTTW Channel 11
Women's Board, RIC
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
American Heart Association
American Horticultural Society
American Jewish Committee
The Art Institute of Chicago
The Arts Club of Chicago
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago City Day School
Chicago Children's Museum
Chicago Public Education Fund
Chicago Young Americans
Chicago Run
Children's Memorial Foundation
Fenix Family Health Center
Little Sisters of the Poor
Mothers Against Drunk Driving